In this article, we will be looking at the benefits of online text adventures as an entertaining way to keep our minds from going flat. In a basic sense, a text adventure game is a story that was written in such a way that it allows you, the reader / player, to make set choices to see how the end turns out. You can read more about this concept in, Text Adventures Require More Thinking. It is especially appropriate during this time of a global pandemic where many of us have been ‘forced’ to stay home.
Reading as Entertainment
Internet access, mobiles, laptops and other unique devices keep us informed and entertained but it may also dull our intellect if we focus on the fake news and the latest celeb gossip. One way to slow down or halt this deficit is to engage our minds in reading, problem solving and maybe a little writing. These three elements are the building blocks of learning and enlightenment. That may sound boring or tedious but this is where online text adventures come in.
We live in the information age with a lot of technology at our disposal. This allows many of us the privilege of bringing the entertainment to us rather than having to leave the comfort of our homes to find it. In many ways, that is a savior for those of us going ‘crazy’ under a lock down period because the COVID-19 virus is rampaging everywhere.
Be the Protagonist
Online text adventures are typically about reading and making a few choices. You do not build the world nor decide the detail because there is a total reliance on what the author wrote. Now, you will notice I also mentioned above that “writing” was one of the engaging parts of online text adventures. What if you could enter a story and decide what kind of protagonist you wanted rather than the default? That would make it more interesting and cause your creative juices to flow right? This is where an online text adventure like Ruler of Kings II medieval text adventure comes in.
Ruler of Kings II, or “ROK 2” for short, allows you to create your own detailed Character and then play him/her in a medieval fantasy world. The level of detail in this game is comparable to that of a table top RPG such as Dungeons & Dragons or Pathfinder. This is not to say that Ruler of Kings II is D&D or Pathfinder, because it is not. Neither is ROK 2 a spin-off or scenario of those high level RPGs. ROK 2 is a different kind of game that focuses on reading, making choices and writing in the kind of Character you want.
Let Me Try It
Normally, you could do these things around a tabletop, but meeting together can be a difficult chore specially during a pandemic. This is where ROK II makes it easy. You can play ROK II at anytime and you don’t even need to wait on any Dungeon Master or other Players to start. See all the features listed: ROK II Browser Game Features or start creating your own Character: START NOW.